May 17, 2024

Employee Spotlight: Julie Walsh, Managing Director at Applecart

By Julie Walsh, Managing Director, Applecart

Julie Walsh is a Managing Director at Applecart. Previously, she was a Senior Partner of Global Public Affairs at Finn Partners, where she counseled Fortune 500 companies and major philanthropies on their communications and thought leadership campaigns.

Tell us about what you did prior to joining Applecart:

Prior to joining Applecart I spent my entire career working at various global PR and marketing firms, counseling Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, large trade associations and nonprofits on their communications strategy and earned media efforts. Immediately prior to Applecart, I spent 10 years at Finn Partners where I had the opportunity to both guide the strategic direction of the practice and work with clients on their advocacy and thought leadership campaigns. No two days were ever the same - on any given day I could be with a CEO in the halls of Congress to a red carpet event with celebrities advocating for issues impacting their industry. Being an agency “hack" always kept me on my toes which I am grateful for; it was a master class in issues and reputation management, allowing me to bring invaluable insights to my Applecart clients. 

Why did you decide to join Applecart?

When I learned that there was an answer to the question “what’s next” after securing an amazing earned media story, I was immediately interested. Working at PR agencies, my clients were always on the hunt for their next big feature. Once we delivered, they always asked about the next placement, as they felt the only way to be visible to their key decision makers was by securing a high volume of top-tier coverage. With Applecart that is just not the case; you don’t need to rely on quantity of content to ensure you are reaching key stakeholders. Instead, we partner to put your best content in front of key stakeholders and those they trust, ensuring visibility of your quality earned media coverage.

What is your favorite Applecart use-case? 

I love when clients use Applecart to shape and control the narrative, particularly in times of crisis. In a saturated and fast-moving information environment, Applecart helps focus efforts at a speed and scale that is necessary when navigating a PR crisis. When time is of the essence, Applecart can precisely target key stakeholders quickly and efficiently with important, reputation-bolstering content. We’ve had incredible success, particularly in the advocacy space, helping clients navigate turbulent times for their business.

What should people outside of Applecart know about Applecart? 

PR and communications pros should know that Applecart is an incredible tool to have in your arsenal that extends the visibility and reach of earned media stories and provides deep levels of reporting and insights. Applecart provides a suite of insights for communications executives to measure the ROI, efficacy and success of their efforts that go well beyond the arcane metrics of placements and impressions. 

Give us your best fun fact: 

A few years ago I decided to go to wine school for fun to learn more about grape growing and wine making. While having a certification and fancy pin I can wear is great, I mostly use the knowledge to pick out awesome budget wines from Trader Joe's. It’s one of my best life hacks!